July 17, 2024: Congratulations to Jonas for achieving his PhD!
June 30, 2024: The group went to Song’s place for a party.
May 28, 2024: Celebrating Elya and John for passing A Exam.
May 14, 2024: Congratulations to Jinjian for achieving her PhD!
May 9, 2024: Congratulations to Weiyang for achieving her PhD!
January 12, 2024: Congratulations to Justin for achieving his PhD!
December 6, 2023: The group went to Personal Best for our annual group party and white elephant gift exchange!
November 21, 2023: Sending off our postdocs, Wen and Minsoo. Both of them will be starting their faculty careers.
October 18, 2023: Celebrating first year-graduate students, Nguyen, Nick, and Sukwoo, joining the Lin lab.
July 15, 2023: The group went to Indian Creek Farm to pick our own fruits and veggies.
July 5, 2023: Congratulations to Devin for achieving his PhD!
June 19, 2023: Celebrating Samson’s successful A Exam.
March 5, 2023: The group went to Okemo Mountain Resort for a ski trip.
January 11, 2023: We had the first group meeting in 2023! Song gave a talk on new lab member orientation and a chalk talk on stereoelectronic effect.
December 10, 2022: The group went to Song’s place for party. Welcome our new members Yukun and Tianwei!
October 15, 2022: The group went to Myers park for picnic to welcome our new postdocs Pierre, Bartosz, and Yeosan.
August 1, 2022: Some photos from our group barbecue!
July 21, 2022: Group photo day outside Baker!
December 14, 2021: Here we are looking sharp at our end-of-the-year group gathering! We celebrated the lab’s milestones in 2021 and recognized members who have distinguished themselves with our annual group awards!
October 23, 2021: A big welcome to our new students! Here is the updated Lin Lab, joined by first-year Samson, visting student Laieli, and our new postdocs Jesus and Yejin! Nice to get inside as things get chilly…
September 26, 2021: Savoring the last days of summer weather with a group picnic…
August 3, 2021: A summer trip to the Cornell Dairy Bar to welcome visiting student Rik and say goodbye to REU student Lily!
July 11, 2021: 2020 Euro Cup watch party! The group heads to Song’s house to watch the big game – champagne tower included…
May 29, 2021: We share fond farewells with Juno as he concludes his time in the Lin Lab. We wish him the best as he heads of to Genentech!
May 19. 2021: Congratulations to Dr. Juno Siu on a successful PhD defense!
March 10, 2021: The group heads to Taughannock Falls for some hiking, ultimate frisbee, and farewells to James!
June 15, 2020: 3 months later, and we are back in business!!
February 1, 2020: The group hits the slopes and plays piles of games at Gore Mountain on a snowy weekend retreat!
January 30, 2020: Celebrating our postdoc Hyunwoo’s time in our group and the beginning of his independent career as a professor!
December 20, 2019: Ringing in the new year with our winter holiday party and white elephant gift exchange!
October 12, 2019: Its pumpkin season! Happy Fall from the Song Lin group!
July 2, 2019: A classic group photo in front of the scenic Beebe Lake
June 29, 2019: A farewell lunch for Lu, our Postdoc
May 25, 2019: A big celebration for passed A-exams, birthdays and a farewell to our Postdoc Keyin!
March 16, 2019: Getting some fresh air on a run around Bebe Lake!
January 12, 2019: Group ski trip at Okemo Mountain in Vermont!
December 8, 2018: Group Holiday Party and gift giving!!
May 25, 2018: Celebrating our group’s successful candidacy exams
Our Successful Candidates:
April 14, 2018: The group went on a hike at Taughannock Falls
September 25, 2017: Niankai teaching Gisselle about some cool synthetic electrochemistry
July 1, 2017: Celebrating our lab’s first birthday! We’re looking forward to many more.
May 22, 2017: Celebrating Keith’s Successful A Exam
May 5, 2017: Meeting with Eric Jacobsen
December 17, 2016: Holiday Dinnnnnnner…..
August 10, 2016: Song and Jason were doing their first experiment.
July 18, 2016: Replacing pump oil…
July 14, 2016: No caption necessary.
July 13, 2016: Tony showing off his lab safety skills
July 12, 2016: Testing out the label maker!
May 6, 2016: New lab under renovation…